It turns out that testing is crucial. The everyday routine of a good developer consists of several actions: writing the failing test, implementing code for it, launching the test again, refactoring the code and continuing the process until you are satisfied.

I use Sublime as a text editor and after creating the test I always need to switch to the console, type rspec spec/ and use autocomplete to reach the desired file. However, it is becoming irritable especially when nesting is huge. Of course, I can use Ruby Tests package, but it provides an ability to run test only inside the text editor. I thought that there has got to be a more efficient way.

What I need is something that will generate string for the firing specific spec. For that purpose I have written a short Sublime package. In this article, I want to share how I have implemented it.

Let’s start with selecting Tools -> New Plugin menu entry. Save the generated skeleton with name and then fill it with the following code:

import sublime, sublime_plugin

class TestRunnerCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
  def run(self, edit):
    full_path = self.view.file_name() # recieve the absolute path for file
    path = full_path.split("spec/", 1)[1] # transform it to the relative path for the easy reading
    copied_string = "bundle exec rspec spec/" + path
    sublime.set_clipboard(copied_string) # save it to clipboard

And inside Preferences -> Key Bindings - User add:

  { "keys": ["command+shift+x"], "command": "test_runner" }

And with this, my workflow is transformed into: cmd+shift+x + jump to console + cmd+v. Thus, I got rid of the autocomplete work and freed up some time to make another cup of coffee. Thank you for reading!