Ok guys, I know that you’ve worked/currently working with legacy code. And I pretty sure that you’ve also faced with dread and horror.

Let me guess what you see when you open a legacy project.

  • Huge controllers with enormous methods
  • Dozen of conditionals inside views
  • Logic that extracted to helpers in order not to polute views. It causes having complex organized methods inside the helpers directory.

The one of achilles heels of Rails is that standard MVC stack is not enough in many cases. Models and controllers start to grew up and violate Single Responsibility Principle.

As a consequence, couple of layers apeared to keep your code lean and mean. Usually they exist in separate directories and provide a wonderful degree of encapsulation. In this artcile I want to describe the most popular of them.

1. Parameter Object

It’s generally known that developers don’t like magic numbers. To avoid them we create constants with the explaining meaning names. The top of class usually contains several of them:

class Mail < ActiveRecord::Base
    r: "are",
    u: "you",
    ASAP: "As soon as possible",
    ATB: "All the best"

  # some methods
  # ...

While new features are being implemented, the number of static data increases and can cause havoc in the future. This code smell is called Primitive Obsession and can be fixed by introducing Parameter (Value) Objects. To construct it you should look for logical links between primitive values and group them into the few immutable objects.

class MailLengthSettings
  attr_reader :max_number, :min_number, :line_letters_number

  def initialize(max_number = 10_000, min_number = 1, line_letters_number = 120)
    @max_number = max_number
    @min_number = min_number
    @line_letters_number = line_letters_number
class Autocorrections
  DATA = {
    r: "are",
    u: "you",
    ASAP: "As soon as possible",
    ATB: "All the best"

  def self.call
    DATA.all.collect do |abbr, transcript|
      new(abbr, transcript)

  attr_reader :abbreviation, :transcript

  def initialize(abbreviation, transcript)
    @abbreviation = abbreviation
    @transcript = transcript

Here is an awesome blog post with the detailed explanation.

2. Query Object

Query Objects are applied in case when you have the huge database query in controller:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @posts = Post.includes(:author)
      .where(published: true)
      .where(author: { rating: 10 })
      .order("created_at DESC")

I like to extract Query Object into modules that repeats class name of the model. The class name of Query Object explains the purpose of the request. In this case it would look like this:

module Post
  class PublishedOfPopularAuthorsQuery
    attr_reader :relation
    private :relation

    def initialize(relation = Post.all)
      @relation = relation

    def find
        .where(published: true)
        .where(author: { rating: 10 })
        .order("created_at DESC")

And how a controller might use it:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @posts = Post::PublishedOfPopularAuthorsQuery.new.find

Here is a great block post about this idea.

3. Service Object

It’s a piece of the procedural programming style in Rails architecture. The class that commits only one thing. It’s a pure ruby object, and you can create these classes by yourself. However, I prefer to implement services with a gem called interactor. Out of the box it provides such useful things as failed, successful context and also hooks. Sooner or later, you have to build these things yourself. For example, the service that created users from parsed CSV might look like this:

class CreateUsersFromFile
  attr_reader :content
  private :content

  def initialize(content)
    @content = content

  def call
    invalid_users = []

    ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
      invalid_users = build_users.map.with_index do |user, index|
        { row: index, user: user } unless user.save

      raise ActiveRecord::Rollback if invalid_users.present?



  def build_users
    CSV.new(content, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol).to_a.map do |row|
      params = row.to_hash

Exracting this code from controller looks quite reasonable, doesn’t it?

4. Decorator Object

It seems ideally suited to transfer logic out of models and helpers. The most trivial example would be the displaying user’s full_name. From my point of view, gem “drapper” is the best choice to realize decoration logic. Before handing a model off to the view, you have to wrap it in a class that looks the following way:

class UserDecorator < ApplicationDecorator
  delegate :id, :first_name, :last_name, :email

  def full_name
    "#{object.first_name} (#{object.last_name})"

5. Form Object

This is a good spot to place a logic related only to the form. Therefore, it helps us to get rid of accepts_nested_attributes_for. To decouple your form object you can use reform, virtus or implement from scratch. I prefer reform:

class StoreForm < Reform::Form
  property :title, :city
  validates :title, presence: true

  property :coordinates do
    property :lat, :long
    validates :lat, :long, presence: true

  collection :products do
    property :name
    property :quantity

6. Policy Object

If you have roles in your app, from the several point you notice that authorization system is getting extremely complicated. Policy Objects provide you a simple, robust and scaleable way to polish user’s responsibilities. I always use pundit for that purpose. It allows you to do the following:

class PostPolicy
  attr_reader :user, :post

  def initialize(user, post)
    @user = user
    @post = post

  def update?
    user.admin? || !post.published?

For more detailed explanation follow the documentation.

7. Null Object

A Null Object is an object that helps us to avoid the presence checks. Here’s the simple example from view:

- if invitee.present?
  h2 = invitee.inviter
- else
  h2 No inviter so far

This is the stuff you definitely want to avoid. With the null object it can be converted to:

h2 = invitee.inviter

To implement this we want to return an object that has an ability to respond to the given methods. For this type of objects I usually create a special folder null inside models. If you look inside, you’ll see classes like:

class Null::Invitee
  def present?

  def inviter
    "No inviter so far"

And again, I couldn’t mention a brilliant blog post.


As you see there are many techniques to refactor a Rails app. Isn’t this over-engineering? The answer to such a question is always context-dependent, but I rarely find that it is. Don’t forget that code separation makes testing easier. If you stub many things in your tests it can be the indicator that you have to implement one of the aforementioned layers.

So, how many of them do you use? :smirk: